

Results «Customer Survey 2023»: excellence at the service of our customers and suppliers

AT NORMANDY COATING, our commitment to continuous improvement is at the heart of our concerns.

This is why we consider each feedback from our customers as a valuable opportunity to grow and improve. This year, the results of our “2023 Customer Survey” not only confirm our commitment to excellence, but also demonstrate the growing trust you place in us!

We are proud to see that customer and supplier participation in our annual survey has increased steadily over the past four years. This demonstrates the importance we place on the voice of our community and our desire to work closely with them to achieve excellence.

At Normandy Coating, we are committed to continuing to raise industry standards and providing exceptional solutions to our customers and partners. Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023 satisfaction survey. Your voice is the key to our continued success and we look forward to continuing this successful collaboration in the years to come.

This article can be found on our Linkedin page

22 years at the service of our customers... This article can be found on our […]
Results «Customer Survey 2023»: excellence at the service of our customers and suppliers
AT NORMANDY COATING, our commitment to continuous improvement is at the heart of our concerns. […]
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